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Field Sales
Kapture mobile app enables your team to receive real-time notifications with respect to potential leads, follow ups, reminders, etc.
Sales Forecasting
Forecast your sales based on lead stage like hot, cold, and warm. See the entire sales funnel with lead status and revenue in pipeline.
Lead Management
Integrate web, calls, emails and partner sites for lead sourcing. Ensure automatic lead scoring, distribution & tracking.
Quotation & Invoice Management
Kapture’s quotation and invoice management tool helps you create invoices and a high number of quotes on the go.
Generate 500+ automated reports on sales productivity. Simply go to the report engine plot the legends and system will generate the report in few seconds.
Email Automation
Instantly deliver sales proposals, quotes & invoices in brand templates.
" With Kapture, most of the minuscule sales tasks are also automated now. We have been able to reduce the lead closure time by almost 60%. The sales team loves it. - Associate hotels."
Check our 30-Days Free Trial

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