Sunday 2nd June 2024
  • Will generative AI change everything for filmmaking?

    From coding and art design to customer service and education, seemingly countless professions are adopting AI systems. With the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and its text-to-video system, Sora, and rumors of partnerships with big studios, will Hollywood be the next frontier for AI innovation?

    We asked an experimental filmmaker, an MIT economist, and an AI startup executive how generative AIs could impact the world of filmmaking. We’re presenting their unique perspectives — as a user, analyst, and creator of these tools, respectively — as a way to uncover the depth and impact of this potentially transformative technology. Here’s what they had to say. 

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  • How AI is Changing the Legal Landscape in Business

    As AI grows in global adoption and impacts spheres of human endeavor, it raises pertinent ethical concerns and legal implications. It is important that we get ahead of the curve and develop a robust legal framework to regulate the dynamic landscape of AI without stifling its development.

    I sat down with Dr. Nick Oberheiden, founder of Oberheiden P. C., and a legal luminary with extensive experience to wrestle through these ethical and legal issues that come with AI advancement. Some highlights:

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  • The CEO of Chipotle Just Gave Some Bad Advice, and It's Probably the Worst Idea I've Seen In a While

    I like Chipotle, but I've never had an issue with this, so I ignored the controversy. But then, the CEO of Chipotle, Brian Niccol, gave an utterly bizarre interview this week that bothered me more than I'd like to admit.

    In short, Niccol denied that there's any shrinking going on, but he also suggested that if you want bigger portions at Chipotle, the way you're supposed to get them is by sending some kind of quiet, subtle, nonverbal signal to the Chipotle employee putting together your order.

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  • 3 Ways to Avoid Chargeback Losses on E-Commerce Sales

    A chargeback--when funds are returned to a customer after they've disputed a charge--is just one example of fraud merchants in the e-commerce space might face. While some customers may initiate a chargeback if they haven't received the right product, others may intentionally do so to keep their purchase without having to pay for it. Juniper Research projected that the global loss due to e-commerce fraud would exceed $48 billion in 2023. A study by fraud detection company Kount that surveyed its own clients found a 2.3 percent loss in revenue due to chargebacks in 2021. 

    While not all chargebacks are deliberate cases of fraud--Inc. spoke to founders who say many of their chargebacks are due to consumer confusion--there are several steps you can take to avoid and manage potential disputes. 

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  • With 5 Short Words, Walmart Just Taught a Brilliant Lesson In Leadership

    I'm bringing this up because of the new pay structure that Walmart rolled out earlier this year for its 4,700 U.S. store managers. The top performers can now earn as much as $530,000 annually in total compensation.

    Let's set the stage: $530,000 is an eye-opening number. In fact, one Walmart Supercenter manager who was interviewed this week by Bloomberg said that he "almost fainted" when he realized how much he could make under the plan.

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  • 10 Summer Vacation Destinations for Entrepreneurs

    Sometimes, all a founder wants to do on vacation is decompress and relax on a beach. According to Van Lai-DuMone, founder of worksmART Advantage, a professional training and coaching business in Los Angeles, the charming town of Todos Santos on the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico offers the perfect blend of relaxation and inspiration.

    "On my last trip I had the opportunity to see breaching whales, and watch baby turtles being released into the sea," says Lai-DuMone. "Todos Santos boasts stunning beaches, a vibrant arts scene, and delicious cuisine."

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  • What to Look for in an AI Training Provider

    If you are in a leadership role today, chances are that your organization is already working to harness artificial intelligence for higher productivity, efficiency, and quality. But how do companies move from recognizing the promise that AI holds to actually creating a more productive, AI-empowered workforce? 

    From my experience in working with large organizations on their AI training needs, the key factor in successful AI adoption is not whether staff are using AI, but rather how they are using it. One MIT study found that while GenAI usage can improve a worker's performance by up to 40 percent, it can actually reduce performance when used to tackle a task beyond AI's capabilities.  

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  • Why I Told My Dad to Spend More Money

    Generally speaking, he dislikes traveling, especially long flights. As we were discussing the logistics of the trip, I gave him some surprising financial advice: Fly first-class. Although we certainly have a spending problem in this country based on the trillion dollars of credit card debt, there are many retirees like my dad, who have a different type of spending problem. After decades of saving, investing, or simply working hard for your money, it's difficult to spend down your assets in retirement. It's not easy to transition from a saver to a spender, but below are three reasons why I encouraged my dad to spend more on this trip:

    My dad has never flown first-class and if you can afford to have new experiences, especially in your 70s, then it's worth it. Instead of the upgraded plane ticket, this might be an African safari, swimming with dolphins, or any other item on your bucket list. 

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  • Why You Should Advertise Your Business's Security

    These days, customers and business partners alike are highly critical. Many only want to work with organizations with reliable privacy and security standards, protecting them in an era of distrust and security vulnerabilities. Your business may take privacy and security very seriously, but unless you have a good marketing and advertising strategy in place, your customers won't know it.

    Higher standards for security and privacy protect your customers, securing their data and helping them feel safer as they navigate whatever problems your business helps them solve. Data security posture management, or DSPM, helps you continuously monitor your data security policies so you can proactively detect and act on risks.

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