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Why Getting Fired Can Be The Best Thing For Your Career

Maria Hatzistefanis
Updated Feb 12, 2018, 02:52pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

When I heard the words, “We need to see you in the board room,” I immediately knew what was about to happen. I was going to be fired. And I wasn’t surprised.

Two years earlier, after graduating from Columbia Business School with an MBA, I had started a job with Salomon Brothers as a mergers and acquisitions associate in London. The ultra-competitiveness is what stood out the most – who could claim the least sleep, pull the most all-nighters or work the longest time without a day off – all made people proud. I worked 24/7, weekend after weekend, and canceled holidays at a moment’s notice.

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our day-to-day lives that we don’t take the time to self-assess, to step outside of ourselves and ask the questions, “Am I happy?,” “Am I on the right track?” Looking back, I wasn’t loving my job or my life anymore. The novelty of buying another Prada suit and flying business class all over the world had worn off. If I was passionate about my work, or if I was an amazing employee, and if this was going to be my future, I wouldn’t have been fired.

Getting fired was the first time in my life that I didn’t have a job or an idea of what I would do next. But great things never come from comfort zones. I was forced to really look at myself, what I was good at, and what I needed to improve on. Getting fired helped me to uncover my passions, and to pursue them. Getting fired was the wake-up call that launched my business, Rodial Group. Today, my two beauty brands, Rodial and NIP+FAB are available in over 20,000 stores and 35 countries worldwide. Getting fired changed my life forever and got me to where I am today.

The most important thing that getting fired taught me is how strongly passion and success are linked. I have yet to see someone who is passionate about their job, who loves it and who works hard, get fired. You may be in the wrong industry, you may not be enjoying your work anymore, or just not be the right fit for the role. Whatever the reason, getting fired will make you rethink what you really want to do with your life. Like me, it may make you realize that your passions lie elsewhere and you need to change direction. Like me, it may force you to start something new, something better. Like me, it just may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.