Monday 3rd June 2024
  • Find a Circular Strategy to Fit Your Business Model

    The spring 2024 issue’s special report looks at how to take advantage of market opportunities in the digital space, and provides advice on building culture and friendships at work; maximizing the benefits of LLMs, corporate venture capital initiatives, and innovation contests; and scaling automation and digital health platform.

    The spring 2024 issue’s special report looks at how to take advantage of market opportunities in the digital space, and provides advice on building culture and friendships at work; maximizing the benefits of LLMs, corporate venture capital initiatives, and innovation contests; and scaling automation and digital health platform.

    Companies seeking to meet ambitious sustainability goals to reduce fossil fuel consumption and reduce waste must go beyond a shift to renewable energy. Roughly half of global emissions are linked to the production and consumption of goods such as food, packaging, buildings, and textiles.1 Accelerating decarbonization will require that we rethink the materials and services sourced from suppliers, the distribution and use of products by customers, and what happens to products at end of life.

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  • 55 Insanely Cheap Home Upgrades on Amazon That Are So Damn Clever

    If I’ve learned anything as a homeowner, it’s that you should never underestimate the impact of cheap, clever home upgrades. A project can cost less than $35 but still look like a million bucks. Best of all, you don’t even need to visit a hardware store. These affordable Amazon finds help you modernize your fixtures, maximize your storage, boost the light in a space, and make your home significantly more functional — all without blowing your budget.

    Swapping out your door knobs can transform the whole door, and these best-selling interior knobs are matte and modern — not to mention “incredibly sturdy and feel so high quality,” one reviewer wrote. They come in four colors and various types (including dummy, privacy, and locking entry). Plus, they’re treated with Microban to reduce the growth of germs.

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  • This Laptop and AR Glasses Combo Is the Practical Alternative to Apple Vision Pro

    The Spacetop G1 could be a better way to get spatial computing than strapping on a bulky and expensive headset.

    You don’t need to strap on a heavy headset or deal with hand tracking to get a taste of the potential of spatial computing. The Spacetop G1, a computer created by a startup called Sightful that combines augmented reality glasses with the bottom half of a laptop, has spent the last year in early access, but now after some refinements, it’s available to pre-order.

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  • 65 Genius Things That Are Really, Really Weird on Amazon

    If you enjoy seeing the weirdest things Amazon has to offer, you’ve come to the right place. Every genius item on this list is useful, clever, and unexpectedly delightful. There’s a foot deodorant lotion, a Loch Ness monster whiskey chilling stone that suctions to the bottom of your glass, and lots of cool items for your car and home. Scroll to enjoy the strangeness.

    Take better care of your hair with this scalp massager. The handheld tool is covered in silicone bristles that rid the scalp of any dead skin or product buildup. It comes with two interchangeable heads and can be used wet or dry.

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  • What Self-Medicating Animals Can Teach Us About Medicine

    A wild orangutan treats his own wound after a fight in the most peculiar way. Researchers were watching.

    When a wild orangutan in Sumatra recently suffered a facial wound, apparently after fighting with another male, he did something that caught the attention of the scientists observing him.

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  • Can You Train Away Your Farsightedness With Eye Exercises?

    You may have seen advertisements claiming to eliminate the need for eyeglasses through vision therapy or vision training – basically, eye exercises.

    These exercises include putting pressure on or palming the eye; eye movement exercises; or straining to read by using the wrong prescription glasses to “train” the eyes.

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  • 55 Years Ago, Star Trek Delivered Its Worst Finale -- And Accidentally Saved the Fandom

    Endings are hard, especially when your last episode wasn’t planned. Star Trek: The Original Series was ingloriously canceled after three seasons, despite valiant fan efforts to keep it on the air. That means its finale wasn’t written as a finale, and it generally ranks among the worst entries in the entire franchise.

    On June 3, 1969, the last episode of Star Trek, “Turnabout Intruder,” aired. Originally slated for March 28, NBC delayed the episode after the passing of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Loyal fans had to wait for one last episode, several months after the previous episode had aired, in a countdown to a letdown. Fifty-five years later, “Turnabout Intruder” isn’t secretly great; its basic premise is embarrassing and outdated. But despite its deep flaws, the world of sci-fi fandom would be much, much darker without it. Here’s how “Turnabout Intruder” accidentally ushered in a new age of fandom.

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  • 6 Years Later, The Best Pirate Game Just Keeps Getting Better

    Like many maiden voyages, Sea of Thieves’ launch in 2018 was fraught with peril. Performance issues, a dreadful solo experience, and an underwhelming gameplay loop disappointed fans and critics hoping for something revolutionary. This was Rare after all, the studio behind legendary titles like GoldenEye 64, Donkey Kong Country and Banjo-Kazooie. Fan expectations were understandably lofty, especially with a pedigree like that.

    It was also hyped as a marquee exclusive for Microsoft’s new Xbox Game Pass, something to entice gamers who were hesitant to commit to monthly subscriptions. Now the unthinkable has occurred: this once exclusive Xbox title got released on PS5 in May. Thousands of new players (Sony players, gasp!) get to experience one of the best live-service games around.

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  • 12 Years Later, Star Wars is Finally Fulfilling Its Greatest Promise

    It's been 12 years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm. At the time, that deal was met with excitement from Star Wars fans who believed that they were witnessing the start of a promising new era for the franchise.

    In the years since its takeover, though, several of Disney's Star Wars titles have received divisive responses from fans (some of which have been more warranted than others), and almost all of them have been directly tied to the either series' Original or Prequel trilogies. Even The Mandalorian, which felt like the most original Star Wars effort Disney had produced when it premiered, has since been reduced to little more than a bridge between its franchise's live-action and animated properties.

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  • For over a century, telepathy has been just around the corner | Aeon Essays

    Testing at the Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory, undated. Courtesy Duke University Photo Archives/David M. Rubenstein Library

    Testing at the Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory, undated. Courtesy Duke University Photo Archives/David M. Rubenstein Library

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