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Historically, The President's Party Performs Poorly In The Midterms [Infographic]

Updated Oct 10, 2018, 06:08am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

Yesterday, President Trump was again upbeat about the GOP's prospects in the midterms, telling reporters that he expects a lot of Democratic voters to support Republican candidates in November. He added that the main base of the Democrats have shifted so far left that the U.S. would end up being like Venezuela. Despite his optimism, history is against the Republicans this time around, like it has been for the sitting-president's party during every midterm election since the Roosevelt-era. Since 1946, the average midterm loss for the president's party is 25 seats.

Two months before the 2018 midterms, President Trump had a 40% job approval rating. According to Gallup's polling history, presidents with an approval rating below 50% have seen their party lose 37 House seats on average. Among presidents with approval ratings higher than 50%, the average number of seats lost is 14. As the following infographic shows, only two U.S. presidents, Bill Clinton (1998) and George W. Bush (2002), have seen their party gain House seats, according to the American Presidency Project.

There are a multitude of reasons as to why the president's party does poorly in the midterms and interestingly, it doesn't always hinge on a president's performance or legislative decisions. Lack of interest plays a big role with the supporter-base of the party that won the presidential election usually feeling content about that victory, resulting in a low turnout. On the other hand, the opposition tends to be more energetic and motivated to go out and vote. The historical trend shows why the early part of a president's first term is crucial in implementing key legislation. After the first midterm, the political landscape can change to such an extent that pursuing major legislation can prove either difficult or practically impossible.

*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
