- Introducing the new Negotiation Strategies for Success Programme from NUS's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
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Negotiation Strategies for Success
Why Should You Enrol for This Programme?
Dear [First Name], How much of your time do you spend negotiating and not even realizing it? It’s not just about business deals and contracts. We are negotiating our way through each day from home to work and back home again. And by learning to claim power while also understanding others, you can be more successful at it.
Programme Details
2 Months 4-6 hours per week
Programme Fees
USD 1,600
Negotiation Strategies for Success, the new programme from National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is designed to do just that. As a participant in this 2-month online programme, you will:
Learn to empathise with and influence your counterparts
Ideate innovative solutions for different types of negotiations and situations
Explore negotiation methods and practices that enhance your creative thinking and contextual analysis capabilities
Improve your ability to negotiate in virtually any situation
What You Will Learn
Through live, online sessions with faculty, challenging exercises and assignments and real-world-case studies, you will develop a combination of analytical skills and empathy to ensure negotiations success. Topics include:
Module 1: Why Negotiate
Module 2: Gain Power
Module 3: Understand the Other
Module 4: Learn to Influence
Module 5: Carry Out a Negotiation
Module 6: Bring Home the Deal
Francesco Mancini
Francesco Mancini
Vice Dean (Executive Education) and Associate Professor in Practice Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Flexible payment options starting from USD 672 available now.
NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is collaborating with online education provider Emeritus to offer a portfolio of high-impact online programmes. Working with Emeritus gives NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy the advantage of broadening its access beyond their on-campus offerings in a collaborative and engaging format that stays true to the quality of NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
Emeritus Institute of Management | Committee for Private Education Registration Number 201510637C | Period: 29 March 2018 to 28 March 2022.
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